I am a data scientist specialized in computer vision, especially for 2D and 3D imagery. I have expertise in machine learning, including deep learning CNNs and clustering algorithms, 3D generative models, image compositing and distributed systems like Dask. I am interested in Category Theory, DAGs, and 3D rendering. I’ve been coding for 17 years, 14 in Python, and I’m largely self-taught in 12+ programming languages, computer graphics and data science. I am at my best when designing and coding novel data science solutions, pipelines, visualizations and kubernetes apps for scientists and customers with complex, specialized needs. I originally worked in the special effects industry but switched after 5 years to data science.
VirtuousAI (2023 - Present)
Developing explainable computer vision models
Strateos (formerly 3Scan) (2016 - 2023)
Distributed computer vision pipeline built on Dask and Kubernetes
•On-premise Kubernetes cluster via Harvester OS (Ansible, AWS S3, ArgoCD, Helm, Docker)
•Hidebound, massive asset generation app (Dask, Plotly's Dash)
•Video, 3D surface data, 100x GB tile pyramids
•Much cheaper than Amazon EKS or EC2
U-Net deep learning model for 3D glomeruli segmentation of the kidney
•Rapid ground truth data creation (Vision library, Nuke)
•4-GPU TensorFlow model, Jaccard’s + DICE loss functions
•Setup, trained (EC2)
Vision, comprehensive computer vision library
•Pandas, OpenCV, OpenEXR, Scikit-Image
•3D tile pyramids, image sequences (100+ GB scale)
3D volume reconstruction of serial microscope images
•Image stitching, grouping (SVMs, OpenCV)
•3D image registration (ORB key-points, masking, feature score)
•3D volume segmentation (weighted pixel sum, K-Means, GaussianMixture, deconvolution)
3D generation of human lung and vasculature for 3D print (United Therapeutics, 3D Systems)
•Procedural 3D model (Houdini, L-systems, linear algebra, parallel transport, VEX)
•3D meshes of real human lung (Modo, MarchingBridge)
•Hybrid model (procedural + real mesh) 3D printed using collagenous ink
•Goal was 3D printing organs for transplant
•3Scan’s largest contract to date
Lead and trained team in 3D reconstruction of human lung (Visible Human data, Houdini, Nuke, Modo, Maya)
•3D volume segmentation (OpenCV, Nuke)
•Nuke imaging tool suite (3D volume viewer, etc)
•Modo procedural modeling framework
•MarchingBridge contour extraction and 3D reconstruction (OpenCV, OpenVTK, CairoSVG)
Geode dev team
•3.1 Petabyte, N-Dimensional data-store, pipeline engine (Java)
Luma Pictures (2015)
Developed ELK data analytics pipeline (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)